Panic Disorder
A panic attack is an intense surge in fear, physically rooted in the body, that may include some combination of sweating, trembling, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, or chest pain. During a panic attack, people may experience feelings of impending doom or feelings of being out of control/losing control. Part of you may be saying your Self, “Something is wrong with me, I’m going crazy or losing my mind!” People often-times check themselves into the emergency room only to leave being told that there is nothing physically wrong with them.
Panic disorder can present in a variety of settings including specific situations or around certain objects, as well as internal reminders. Panic attacks can occur seemingly unexpectedly or can be brought on by a specific trigger, such as a feared object or situation. Although some who suffer from a panic attack may not go on to develop panic disorder, many people with panic disorder experience repeated, unexpected panic attacks, and then begin to fear having them as well. This results in avoidance and extreme changes to their life in order to avoid having another panic attack. Unfortunately, these attempts to avoid future panic attacks tend to make the problem worse in the long run and cause people to lose touch with the activities they enjoy and feeling in touch with their Self.
If you or a loved one suffers from panic attacks or panic disorder, please reach out to us to see if we can help. We provide excellent evidence-based treatment for panic disorder and co-occurring disorders. We can talk about how we might help you get eliminate panic disorder from your life. Contact us at Denver Emotional Health to learn more and receive your free phone consultation.
Learn more about legal psychedelic-assisted therapies we offer that can help you with your struggles.